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This is the 1st evaluation form for the projects of the 2022 Street Design Challenge. Thank you for helping us with this task!

Evaluator code:

This exchange with the Creative Cities is an exercise to promote connections between our creative assets, such as students, professors and judges.

We ask you to treat all competitors or teams equally; try to be as fair and just as possible. After all, we need design to be the winner.

You will be evaluating the design proposal of every team with 3 materials:

1- A 3 minute video

2- A 10 pages project dossier

3- A before/after slide


For more details about the Challenge’s dynamic, please refer to the Concept Note Here!

Please watch the presentation video, project dossier and before/after visualization you received on your email and then proceed with the evaluation, answering the following questions.

How memorable was the presentation?
poorsufficientgoodVery goodexcellent
Was the narrative engaging and interesting?
Not engaging at allsome engagingengaginvery engagingexcellent
How relevant was the project in tackling the specific needs of the street?
completely irrelevantirrelevantrelevantvery relevantexcellent
At what level does the project incorporate the principles of biophilic design?
principles not incorporated at alljust some principles incorporatedprinciles incorporated timidlywell-embedded principlesprinciples completely incorporated
Would you say this project could be presented to local authorities as an idea for sustainable development of the street?
It’s is unpresentablenot very presentableneed some changesalmost ready to be presentedReady to be presented
How would you rate the quality of the graphics in the presentation?
non-qualityvery low-qualitygood-qualityhigh-qualityvery high-quality
How effective was the use of audiovisual tools to communicate the project’s main ideas?
Not effective at allsome effective effectivevery effectiveexcellent
How feasible is the implementation of the proposed solution?
not feasible at allnot very feasiblesome feasiblefeasiblevery feasible
How innovative are the ideas included in the project?
Not innovative at allnear-innovativesomething innovativeinnovativeVery innovative
Would you say this project could be presented to local authorities as an idea for sustainable development of the street?
It’s is unpresentablenot very presentableneed some changesalmost ready to be presentedReady to be presented

You have finished, before sending the evaluation check that all the fields are filled out, if there is still a project to evaluate, you can fill out this form again after you have sent your answers, if this is your last evaluated project we thank you very much for your time, we ask you to stay tuned to your email for any questions or clarification. Thank's for being part of Street Design International Challenge 2022.

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